Jeremy Butler's Vanity Page

"All Jeremy; all the time!"

Here's JeremyJeremy, AgainAnd Again, Jeremy

Jeremy Info

Marriage to Marysia (April 5, 2003)
Ian, the Son
Flipper, The Cat -- the late, great Flip
The Official Jeremy Butler Professional Web Page
Holiday Cards:

2015 (PDF)
2014 (PDF)
2013 (PDF)
2012 (PDF)
2011 (PDF)
2010 (PDF)
2009 (PDF)
2008 (PDF)
2007 (PDF)
2006 (PDF)
2005 (PDF)
2001 (PDF)
2000: Tuscaloosa: It's Unique (A Holiday Adventure)

Genealogical Materials

Jeremy's Photography (see also Media Projects page of my official Website)

  • Solo show: "The Churches of Tuscaloosa County, at Night," Lorrie Lane Studio, February 2025. (Prints available online. Select image below to enlarge.)
    The Glorious Pentecostal Church of God. All Nation's Church of Jesus Christ, Inc.
  • Group show: West Alabama Juried Show, January-February 2025. Two photographs from the "Churches of Tuscaloosa County, at Night" project (above).
  • Second place, Jefferson County Conservation District Photography Contest: “Rivers, Lakes, and Streams." Photograph displayed at the Hoover Public Library, December 2023. (Print available online. Select image below to enlarge.)
    Black Warrior Trestle
  • Group show: Tuscaloosa Juvenile Court Lobby Gallery, April 2019.
  • Group show: Double Exposure Photography Exhibition, February 2018. Two photographs from the 1970s in black-and-white.

Jeremy's Books

Jeremy's Film Work (see also the Northwestern Kaffeeklatsch)

Jeremy's Radio and Music

My Summer "Vacation" 1999--Dallas, Tucson, The University of Arizona, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, and the Agricultural Aviation Hall of Fame The Postmodern America Tour (Summer 1989)
Spring Break 2002: Mobile and Fairhope, Alabama

Archival Material: Central High School and Madison Rose Lane Elementary School

Videos, 1970-1971

Footage shot at Central High School, Phoenix, Arizona, December 1970 - November 1971. Includes Sharman Apt, Dewey Brown, Mark Mignella, Dennis Mitchum, Mike Neils, Gloria Price, Suzanne Rabe, Andy Schefman, and me -- in short, Central's counter-cultural community. Silent, from an 8mm original.

And there are two more parts on YouTube!

Central High School Echoes (Newspaper)

Madison Rose Lane Firebird (Newspaper)

Dream Home I Virtual Tour
Around, and around you go!
Dream Home For Two
Jeremy and Marysia buy a house together!
Dream Home II Renovation: Virtual Tours
These links do not work well with the Chrome browser!

click to enlarge
Dream Home II: The Day After Hurricane Katrina (30 August 2005):

Hurricane Katrina's route
Katrina route

Tuscaloosa Tornado - April 27, 2011

Panorama of Forest Lake Destruction (click image to enlarge as a still image; click here to view moving panorama)
Forest Lake panorma

Election 2016 Summary

"How can we have a unified country if you don't believe what we tell you?," Life in Hell, prophetically published by Matt Groening on February 22, 1991. Source: Life in Hell Archives.

Minecraft Tutorials: Created by Jeremy and His Son, Ian

Jeremy-Generated Web Sites & Internet Projects

  1. Bark Landscape Architecture – official homepage for Starin Butler's architecture studio.
  2. The Association of Descendants of Jewish Central Poland (ADJCP) – official homepage
  3. Druid Ukes – homepage for a ukulele club, formerly the Tuscaloosa Ukulele Club.
  4. – homepage for Tuscaloosa's iconic counter-cultural bar. "Eat cornbread. Raise hell."
  5. Butlerana – merch store for the Druid Ukes, Sunheart Metalworks, Northwestern University Kaffeeklatsch, the "Save the Park" campaign (Northport, AL), and more.
  6. Winesburg, Indiana wiki
  7. Northwestern University Kaffeeklatsch – activities of a cohort of Northwestern film students from the late 1970s.
  8. Brown University Film & Semiotics Courses Taught by Professor Michael Silverman – an index to online course materials created by Silverman during his long tenure at Brown.
  9. The 1970s in Black & White online gallery - including photography from my youth and more recent work—including "The Churches of Tuscaloosa County, at Night" project.
  10. Laugh Logger - an app for TV laughtrack statistics. Forked from Shot Logger on October 30, 2014.
  11. The Celiac's Progress - a recalcitrant celiac sets out on a perilous journey in search of a gluten-free existence. First post: August 11, 2014.
  12. - Television Style companion site.
  13. - Television: Critical Methods and Applications textbook companion site.
  14. Shot Logger - an online app of editing statistics and a gallery of screen shots from films and TV programs. First data gathered: August 7, 2007.
  15. ScreenLex: A Pronunciation Guide for Film & TV Studies
  16. Screenpedia - a screen studies wiki
  17. ScreenSite - a directory of resources for film/TV studies. Established 1994.
  18. Telecommunication and Film Department Website (merged into the Department of Journalism and Creative Media Website) – including a timeline of radio, TV, and film at the University of Alabama and a small archive of other historical documents.
  19. Screen-L - an email discussion group for film/TV studies. Established Fri, 15 Mar 1991 19:42:11 CST.
  20. ScreenTags - an archive for film/TV hashtags culled from Twitter.
  21. The Internet Folk Radio List - deprecated
  22. Cripes! A Humor 'Zine
  23. "All Things Acoustic" radio program & Webcast. Recorded programs are over here.
  24. FilmAlert
  25. Crappy Software blog - rants about all the crappy software out there
  26. paperjoy - my sister, Lydia's stationery store
  27. Yappy Face - my sister, Starin's dog treats company
  28. Red Rover, Inc. - my sister, Starin's educational correlations company
  29. Tuscaloosa Contra Dancers - deprecated
  30. "Search All" Module (for PHP-Nuke)
  31. 'Course, I got a Facebook account, too.
  32. And let's try to forget Twitter.
    Deprecated Twitter account: @jgbutler
  33. Perhaps microblogging will be more fun on Mastodon.
Vain, innit?

The late Flip, the catThe late Flip, the catThe late Flip, the cat

Last revised: 24 January 2025 17:28:44
Copyright © 2025? I suppose I could reserve rights and stuff, but, c'mon, who would want to pirate this?

Hastily put together: 8 December 1996 (Really, why should I update the design and ditch this long, scrolly page?
It's like a trip down memory lane every time I scroll vertically.)

Originally hosted on, but moved to my own hosting account on 9/20/2009. And so, disclaimers are not necessary, he disclaimed.